Sometimes a work requires a different set of rules, a philosophy if you will. This piece Concertimento #9 is one of those pieces, subtitled:

"Quartor pour l'assemblage des formes et sons"

Scored for a quartet of flute, trombone, harp and chimes! First I developed circular tonal systems( see picture) from which I drew inspiration. Second was the use of quote from the Genevan Psalter (1562) which was a setting of Psalm 19:

"The Heavens Declare the Glory of the God"

Third was the use of Buddhist chant song harmonized in block formation - i.e. Westernized into a different shape of pattern yet still containing the original meditative intent.

But the final work was an assemblage of these elements into a whole functioning work. I finished two versions, one for slightly expanded orchestra. And now as I examine the pieces I'm very tempted to make a third effort. As I've said before I believe that composing is often times an improvisational effort especially in pieces like Concertimento #9.

This piece was written in my Vancouver studio with the help of the clear Western light and the long days hiking and exploring.


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