Happy Monday-
Since I started this blog, I realized that it is hard to maintain if you don't sit in front of a computer everyday. I don't. My day job is on film sets where I'm serving the snacks (more on that later). So I'm trying to focus more on getting more thoughts out. And since its about these concertimentos below is an updated list of finished works in the series. I began in January of 2006. And if any of these works interest you, I'll send you a score!

#1 - VIOLIN - ob, bs, fh, perc., strings
#2 - PIANO - cl, bcl,asax, tenor sax, fh, tuba, vibes, perc, strings
#3 - VIOLA - asax, bari sax, fh, tr, tbone, tuba, piano, bass, perc
#4 - TRIO "25 for Mark Morris" - oboe, violin, cello
#5 - TRIO "777" for flute, clarinet, bassoon
#6 - SEXTET "New Symphony" - flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, perc
#7 - "Feldmusic Vancouver" - fl, 2cl, asax, tenor sax, 2tr, 2tbone, tuba
#8 - TRIO "la petite concertimento" flute, clarinet, violin
#9 - "Mandala Quartet" - flute, trombone, chimes, harp
#10 - "pome/dalachinsky" - ob, bs, tr, 2 viola, cello, bass
#11 - DOUBLE SEXTET - 2 fl, 3 asax, 2 tenor sax, bari sax, 2 trumpet, 2 tbone
#12 - PIANO "3 Mysteries" mixed brass, percussion
#13 - "Giglio" - ob, cl, bs, hn
#14 - SEXTET "Hodgeman Interludes" - tenor sax, bari sax, trumpet, guitar, bass, perc


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