I've determined to publish more often! I guess I was never a good diarist, but I'm going to try. The ASM concert at St. Marks was lovely.  One of the things that sets ASM apart from the gaggle of other "new music bands' is that its a collection of composers first. Great players too, but really interesting voices in this group.  The Auster chord was short - about 5 minutes and really great to hear.  I hope it lasts another day! Also during the past few weeks recorded and performed with my new group the Waters Horn Quartet - really great players - Nate Wooley, Chris McIntyre, Matt Bauder.  We played for the Art Under the Bridge Festival in Dumbo for which I wrote the "DUMBO CONCERTIMENTO" - its a grid work based on the muralist Tattfoo Tan's mural in DUMBO. This DUMBO piece is in three parts of which I composed two. First for horn quartet, second for Octet (using Stravinsky's instruments) and third part for low instruments best described as an Homage to the Anchorage. Below is the grid:
Dumbo Grid
Concertimento #20 Part I
A D E C F Gb G Bb Db Eb Ab
B E C F G Bb A Eb Ab Db Bb
D C F G B Ab Eb Db A Db Db
E F G Bb G A Bb B Db Eb Eb
C Bb Db Eb Ab C A D E B E
F Bb Db Eb Ab C A D E B E
G Gb F E C Db Ab Eb D A Bb
Bb Db Eb Ab D E C F G Gb A

Also Tattfoo Tan's website:



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