Feldmusic - music for out-of-doors -very different then indoor concert music. I have been listening to the birds - I awoke at 4 am Sunday to a choir of birds singing in the rain! I have mentioned before in this blog my love of NYC parks especially the small, forgotten corner parks and tribute squares. These places are an oasis of sound and I'm trying to map that tonal geography! This new work for quartet - 'GREEN DOME LIBERATION SUITE' is dedicated to my second son Avery. I intended for this music to be played in the Green Dome Park which somehow is NEVER open - we need to tear down the gates with tone - music is the power, it can liberated your mind! Scored for flute, clarinet,/bass clarinet, violin, cello - in 8 movements - this is the 'waters motion music' - someday we will play this in the garden itself and I can answer the question "Daddy, why is the park closed?"


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