QUILT CONCERTO - the name of this new work for four horns. Originally, I was interested in creating a quartet with mixed sounds rather than one family of sounds - i.e. string quartet or in particular saxophone quartet for this new type of comprovisational work. Also the works of Jimmy Guiffre have always been a touchstone for my work and I love the ideas of jazz from lines without the standard rhythm section. This Horn Quartet was like a section group if you pulled down the rhythm section tracks. So all of the propulsion and movement had to be generated using other devices such as post-minamalism, hocketing (pre-baroque?), and spontaneous riffage! During this period - 2008 - I received two commissions - one from DUMBO Arts festival to present two concerts under the Manhattan Bridge and second from Chris McIntyre and Tilt Brass Group. So between these two pieces I developed a third piece, Quilt Concerto, to practice my new techniques and also through sheer inspiration at these processes - I think we truly live in a golden era of music making and development!
I cut 30 pieces of quartet paper and had a special envelope with the blank paper. I took it with me to work all over the city. So the titles come from the locations we were shooting, some are camera shoots, some pure fantasy! This work "Red Flame', from the diner on W.44th St, pretty good food...and a second piece from this same location, 'B" reel if you will, written by Roger Ruzow entitle "RUZOW" that I stole for this collection..more soon. QUILT CONCERTO Released May 10,2011 on NuBoutique...Release Party May 11, 2011 UOTS, dig/...