My own private Ives, Charles that is!I have deep sympathy for composer Charles Ives, especially the pseudo-tragic part about keeping a day job (profoundly profitable one too!) and composing, raising a family, dealing with the stresses of the city. So holiday time can often be composing time, a faint break in an otherwise hectic routine. This work "Memorial Day" from Summer 2005. Before my son Felix was born I begin writing in a wholly new, obsessively far-reaching type of way. As composers we are creators of sound and that summer I was getting to the very root of my own creativity - pro-creation! So I wrote my own private Ives, perhaps it was 'method composing" and some if it was certainly "in order to survive" composing. And part of it was surely outsider compulsion of following the mythical path of enlightenment. So, this new recording, featuring pianist/composer Mick Rossi, who also produced these recordings, is giving your ears and eyes a sample of my work. I will be releasing several of these holiday pieces for solo piano thought the summer.


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