ASSEMBLAGE MANIFESTO Assemblage is a method of building art, especially music and sound art. It is process- based and improvisationally-realized. It is spontaneous, not a genre. The center METHOD OF ASSEMBLAGE is proactive, pro-performance, pro-people! It is an instant awakening of the gaps between composed and improvised, stylized and genreized, electronic future systems and analog knowledge. The result of Assemblage is building concepts to explore the widest possible range of ideas and to present these works to excited, informed audiences. ******************* PRAGMATICS Performing is the goal. Expect virtuosity. Command the pragmatic of the sound soul. To perform is to unlock the soul being. Assemblage methods move beyond the "remix method" into a #constellationflow Every concert is unique! The process developed into a new language involving electronics, graphic and symbological notations, and totally spontaneous performance approaches. ****************...